Sunday, November 27

Texting Disorders

Mobile Communication or "texting" is one of best way of communication to us people aside from the internet. Teenagers have been addicted to it (including me :D) because it feels like we are not alone or it feels like we are still part of the crowd whenever we text and receive replies from our friends, from people we admire and from textmates.
But being addicted to texting causes disorders which are quiet alarming. While surfing the internet (specially facebook :D) I found this texting disorders that quite frightened me.

Saturday, November 26

As A Girl Scout (2)

Finally, the proof of my success, our success. The moment I've been waiting for, the awarding ceremony for the Chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme.

Me and my troop leader went to Manila for the awarding ceremony which was held last November 14, 2011 at the Philippine International Convention Center. Our flight from Davao to Manila was scheduled last November 13, 2011.
me :)

Suicide Attempts : What are the Reasons that made people do it?

It is reported on news every now and then about people, especially the youth, trying to ruin their lives by doing suicide attempts. They are trying to escape a problem that seemed impossible to deal with and for them dying seemed like the only way out.
But why does one person tries to suicide when another person in the same tough situation does not? What makes some people more resilient than the other? What makes a person unable to see another way out of a bad situation besides ending his or her life? These people who commit suicide have depression. They try to end their lives because they might be trying to escape feeling of rejection, hurt or loss. They might be angry, ashamed, or guilty about something, some may be worried about disappointing friends or family members and some may feel unwanted, unloved, victimized, or like they’re a burden to others.
To keep people from doing suicide attempts, let’s make them feel that they are loved and that they are important to us in many ways. We might be able to change their minds and be able to help them put their problems in perspective and find a way to make them carry on with determination and hope.

Wednesday, November 9


CourseLab is a powerful, yet easy-to-use, e-learning authoring tool that offers programming-free WYSIWYG environment for creating high-quality interactive e-learning content which can be published on the Internet, Learning Management Systems (LMS), CD-ROMS and other devices.
Yesterday, our TVE teacher taught us stuff about CourseLab. Today, we tried to create our own. I got excited but also got confused because even though our teacher taught us stuff about that, I forgot some and I still have to figure out many of its features. I'm still working it out, still learning it's features and I do hope I won't get frustrated and that finishing it won't take long :)

All Soul's Day

All soul's day, sometimes called the "Day of the Dead", is always celebrated on November 2 of the year. It is the day of remembrance to our friends and loved ones who passed away. People usually visit the grave of their late loved ones on cemeteries or offer prayers to them.

Celebrating All Soul's Day isn't  new to our family because we have been visiting the grave of our beloved ones on cemeteries for years. This year, just like the past years, we visited our grandparents' and uncles' grave together with our relatives. We lighted our candles and offered prayers for them, we hang out for a while, ate "biko", chatted a little bit and went home for lunch. Even though we have a lot of things to do, we still spend time to remember them.
uncle dodong, tatay nono, lolo gorio && lola maria's grave at Lupon Public Cemetery
lolo Fauto's grave at Maco Public Cemetery