Monday, October 17

My "Tambayan"

Windelyn, me (acting busy that day), && Regil :)
"My Seat" inside the classroom is where I usually spend most of my time. I've considered it "my spot (tambayan)" in the school.

When I"m alone and silent, I just sit and chill and watch my classmates so noisy, doing many things, acting all busy and stuff. But whenever my seatmates are beside me, my talkative side shows up :D. I talk with them like there's no tomorrow.

I like being at my seat for when I get serious and busy, I can concentrate on what I am doing and I do feel comfortable being at the back of the classroom, away from civilization (my classmates) when I feel like being quiet and behave :D.

All About Geothermal Energy

Last October 12, 2011, Mr. John "JT" Traller came to visit our school to discuss and inform us more about geothermal energy. He is one of the workers of the Calpine Company, a company who distributes geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy is the heat energy in the Earth. Inside the Earth, magma (hot molten rock) is continuously being formed. It can rise near the surface. As the magma slowly cools, its heat is transferred to the rocks around it. The heat is called geothermal energy.

He also discussed the processes on how their company gets the energy, the types of machinery they use and a lot of other things. He also shared some inspirational messages to us, on how are we going to achieve our goals in life.

Saturday, October 15

as a Girl Scout

I've been a Girl Scout for almost 9 years, since I was in grade school. I have joined encampments, going to places away from home. I have learned how to make new friends, to mingle with other people. Fun activities, tiresome days and sleepless nights (busy talking with friends :D) during encampments, going to different places, meeting new people, these are some of the experiences I had as a Girl Scout.

I have never felt the true essence of scouting for I am also busy joining other activities in school and I am only active when encampment comes :). I never knew what scouting really is until last year, when I joined the Chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme (CGSMS). 

This is a project given to girl scouts interested enough to face the tasks and responsibilities by helping others through a 1 year community service. There are different categories and tasks concerning community service. My project was all about Health - "Help Children Grow" (Feeding Growth Monitoring). The goal is to lessen the malnutrition in the community if we can't eradicate it. All I have to do was to: (a) choose a community or a "purok", (b) talk to people who might be concerned of the project, (c) pick out children who will be beneficiaries of the said project, (d) conduct feeding sessions every Saturdays of the month, (e) conduct meetings to parents and purok officials, (f) make reports, (g) meet deadlines, (h) take pictures, (i) conduct lectures during feeding sessions, (j) ask for solicitations that could help the program and a lot more. Of course, I have my workgroup, my friends and my teacher to help me along the way.

Natural Calamities: Are We To Be Blamed?

     Storms and other natural calamities are phenomenons brought by nature. It is normal in our country to experience these events as they come and go every year.
     Over these past few months, storms have been in and out of our country consecutively causing massive floods, threatening lives, and leave marks of destruction and heartaches to many people. We can hear over the news about lives lost and people suffering sickness and hunger. Government has been passing out help and relief goods to those living in areas affected by storms and floods, drills and safety precautions have been demonstrated and were given, but still, many suffer and died.

Tuesday, October 11

My Experience as a First Time Blogger

Blogging is one of the stuff I am curious about during the past years. Having heard about this made me feel like wanting to have a blog, to create one. Frustrated, for I do not no how to create one. Luckily, as I have reached the fourth level of high school, our teacher taught us on the ways of blogging, how to create one and what are on its features.
As a first time blogger, i found blogging as an interesting thing to do. I can express freely my thoughts and opinions and i can connect with my friends online, reading their posts about what they feel and stuff.
Through blogging, I can say what's going through my mind without the fear of humiliation for the world doesn't know my name, only my friends does (but actually, i do think about what others might think of me, so I do not express all of my thoughts, I just choose them to avoid humiliation . haha :D )
Anyways, its nice to have a blog and it really keeps me busy during my free time. :)